Choreograph Playlist | Choreograph Gainesville

A Guide To Dog Walkers In Gainesville, FL

Written by Choreograph Gainesville | Nov 15, 2023 8:26:10 AM

When you move into a vibrant retirement community like Choreograph Gainesville, you are sure to spend a lot of time doing fun activities. While you're embracing a vibrant lifestyle, it's essential to also ensure your pet's well-being. Pets are wonderful companions who thrive with regular interaction and care. You can explore options for dog walkers in Gainesville to ensure that when you cannot be with your pet, they are also happy. 

Benefits for Your Dog

All dogs need to get some exercise, despite how laid back your breed is. Walking the dog ensures that it gets enough air and sunlight for good health. It also allows the dog to experience the world outside and put its natural instincts to good use. Here are two essential benefits of hiring a dog walker for your pet, ensuring they're well-taken care of even when you're enjoying your activities. 

  • Play Is Health

Playing for your dog is like you getting a gym workout or an aerobic session to keep fit and stay healthy. Dogs can easily get obese, predisposing them to multiple diseases and conditions. A study by the Royal Veterinary College found that one in every 14 dogs is obese. So, getting a dog walker for your pet when you cannot do it will ensure they get the exercise they need. 

  • Socialization

Dogs are naturally social creatures, which is evident from the strong bond they share with you. By hiring a dog walker, you can ensure they're engaged and have companionship when you're out. Consistent companionship through a dog walker can alleviate any feelings of loneliness they might experience in your absence.

Choosing the Right Dog Walker

Choosing the right dog walker may take some time, but when you do, you will see the results you like every time you return home. 

  • Research and Vetting

To find the perfect dog walker, start by exploring the variety of experienced candidates available. Most dog walkers in Gainesville will put ads on websites for clients to find. Some sites may have spots for clients to leave reviews and ways to verify the walker. 

  • Factors to Consider

Once you have found several good candidates, you can start narrowing them down depending on several factors. Some things to consider include experience, both years and the breeds they have dealt with before. Another factor could be their certifications, such as the Pet Sitter International certification, which is the most common. 

When you have found the right sitter or a walker, you can have them visit your home and meet your dog. Dogs are naturally good judges of character; how your dog reacts and relates with them will tell you a lot. A good relationship with the sitter or walker will ensure your dog is happy and you can enjoy your time out with other residents without anxiety.